
Let me explain...

 Sometimes, I feel like I'm walking a fine line between spending too much time with my kids and not spending enough time with me kids.  It's not a great place to be.  I am forever being pulled in two directions, like a game of tug-of-war. When you can afford to give your kids a lot of time and energy, it's hard to decide when enough is enough. I never know when I've given them the right amount so that I can feel like guilty about taking a bit of time for myself. Guilt: the word of the day.  A huge part of my life is feeling guilty. I feel guilty about spending too much time with my kids. I feel guilty for spending too little time with my kids. I feel guilty for not spending enough time with my husband. I feel guilty for leaving dirty dishes in the sink. I feel guilty for making my kids baloney sandwiches. I feel guilty for letting my kids have too much screen time. I feel guilty, guilty, GUILTY! The story of my life. My husband and I play this "game" called &q